Relight your Inner Candle – Beha’alotcha

A lot of things are on the level of choice, then there are some things which we don’t have choice.They are the things which have to do with believing in god and with the holy essential things in our lives. What kind of a parent are you? a husband? a wife?How strong is your yiddishkeit?…

Spiritual and Musical Slichot Tours in the Old City of Tzfat

Spiritual and Musical Slichot Tours in the Old City of Tzfat

What are Selichot, how do they influence our soul? Tour the allies of old Tzfat, visit the old synagogues where the Ari used to learn Kabballah. Get inspired and find your soul in the holy city of Tzfat Spiritual & meditative singing Jewish meditation Shofar Blowing Klezmer music Leave Your Details Here, We will contact…