Find God’s Word & be redeemed – Parashat Bo

Find God’s Word & be redeemed – Parashat Bo

Last Shabbos we read the four steps of getting out of Egypt. The first thing is ‘Vehotzeisi’, I will take you out. Vehitzalti, I will save you. Vega’alti, I will redeem you. Then it says ‘Velakachti Eschem Li Le’am, and then I will take you to be my people. I don’t know what it means,…

Hear the Footsteps of the Massiah

Footsteps of Mashiach There is a passage that says in the bible Isaiha 52:7 “Mah Navu Al Heharim ragleh mevaser” –how beautiful it is to hear the footsteps of the messiah, of the great messenger on the mountain. imagine I have a business meeting and I want to sell 1000 bottles of Coca Cola. I’m…