How will we renew our vitality and love?

How will we renew our vitality and love?

In the Yalkut shimoni it says, that because in Eicha it says: “Bacho tivke”, it means that there are two crying’s. One for the first holy temple and one for the Second. So therefore, the verse in the prophet Isaiah says: “Nachamu Nachamu Ami” (console my people), it insinuates that there are two times of…

Counting on G-D’s compassion

I only count on G-D’s compassion You know, imagine I am standing before G-d and I say, you know, you have to help me because, you know, look at me, you don’t have a better man than me. You know what I am doing for you, what I’m doing for Yiddishkeit, I mean really, face…